Painted Wall


“How DO I Get Rid of Those Limiting Beliefs and Subconscious Blocks???”

Well actually, YOU pretty much do nothing.

No that’s not a typo, you only have to sit there and just BE.


It’s all done over the phone so you don’t have to go anywhere.


You‘ll need to find a place where you can sit and relax and won’t be disturbed.


You’ll do almost no talking.


And this is the most difficult part – you shouldn’t be able to see ANY screens of any kind; hear your phone ring or feel it vibrate; there should be no TV, magazines or  newspapers in sight or in reach; nothing handy to play or fiddle around with …  I think that’s pretty much it.

Some people find doing nothing quite challenging.

Others enjoy the luxury of having absolutely no responsibilities for an hour and a half or so, knowing no one expects them to do a thing.

“So what’s a private session like?”

The first thing I ask a new client to do is send me a bullet point list of up to six things about themselves or their life they’d like to be different. Remember, it has to be about you, I can’t work on anyone but you. However, we could work on whatever someone else is doing that’s bothering or triggering you. Before each session, I’ll ask your permission to connect with you so I can act as your proxy during the session. Once that connection is secure, then I’ll find out which item on your list your Higher Self knows is the most important one to work on first. Once I receive the answer, then I’ll drill down to find out exactly what’s causing this situation or what’s preventing you from receiving or experiencing what you’d like to be your reality. It could be just one thing, like a trauma, or there could be a number of things, in which case there’s usually a specific order in which we have to deal with them.

Next, we determine exactly which words to use in the clearing. This is very important and I don’t know of anyone else who does this. [Shhhh, it’s our little secret. It’s this step that’s one of the reasons my clients experience such impressive results.] Now we do the clearings, also known as a healing. I’d like to be very transparent and make it clear that it is not I who does the healing. The Creator, Source, Spirit, God, Allah, the One – choose the name that feels best to you – is who actually does the work. I merely facilitate it. There will be a short period of silence while this takes place. At the end, you’ll receive a download of positive and empowering energies to take the place of the negative ones that were cleared.

Before I disconnect from you I’ll ask your Higher Self when would be the next time it would be right for you to have another session. It takes time for your physical body and your energy fields and energy bodies to adjust and get acclimated to the energy shifts and we don’t want to overload them. Customarily, the length of time between sessions is anywhere between six and ten weeks, even longer if we worked on something “big.”

There is nothing you have to do after our appointment or between appointments. OK, you should drink lots of water because it helps to wash out the negative energies, and get as much sleep as your body would like. It commonly takes one, possibly two or even three sleep cycles before you start to notice things changing. And as time progresses your experience of your life get better and better, but it’s so incremental and subtle that many times you don’t even realize it’s happening. There’s no journaling, no affirmations, no group calls – nothing more for you to do.

Sound too good to be true?


  • “I worked all day and never felt like I ever got anything done.”

    “I had become a major multi-tasker, and with Sydney’s help, I was able to refocus and accomplish my to-do list, finally! Before we worked together, every day, I would develop my list, and every day, interruptions, surprises and other people’s ’emergencies’ would derail me. I never felt like I got anything done, even though I felt exhausted at the end of the day. Now I just stay on track, with no great exertion of willpower or struggle. It just feels natural”

    Stacey M

  • “So much has happened after just one session!”

    “I’m so pleased, so much has happened, really positive stuff, more flow, I’m so much more open minded, not saying no to everything, my attitude in general is so much better. I’m having such a good experience with your work. I’m unbelievably fortunate to have come across you. Things are just flowing to me, people just flowing to me, no stress”

    Mary Y

  • “You’ve changed my life so dramatically.”

    “We worked on procrastination issues concerning clutter last time and I’ve been getting a record amount of stuff done ever since! So far I’ve made huge progress on three rooms and I’m super proud of this because it’s been such a long standing issue.” (Note: this is after her very first appointment.)

    “Not only have I made an incredible amount of headway decluttering my house, I’ve noticed that there is less internal clutter, too. My mind is a lot quieter and not filled with an overwhelming number of thoughts – negative ones mostly. While I’m thrilled with how much more clean and organized my house is, the fact that my head is so much more clear and organized, too, and that there are so many less bad thoughts running around in there, has been an unexpected bonus.” (Note: this is after four sessions)”


  • “I’m not working crazy hours like I used to and it’s OK.”

    “I feel lighter. A couple of days after we spoke I had a good meeting with my supervisor on my reports for an upcoming review with our client. On Friday I didn’t work as late as I normally would and spent the weekend relaxing and never thought once about going to the office which is very unusual for me. The next week, I worked late on Tuesday as well as the next two nights, but by 5:30 on Friday I was packing it up to go home. I shocked myself and my co-worker! On Sunday I happened to be near the office & let a co-worker into the building, but then I left immediately, had no urge to go in. I have seen a lot of butterflies around too, since our call.”


So what do you think?

What would it be like for you to get results like these, too? If it worked for them it can and will work for you. There’s even a 100% money-back guarantee.

Would you like to know more? Would you like to find out if it’s right for you?
Do you have questions? Do you need more information?

How about we schedule a phone call to discuss it – no expectations, no obligation, we’ll just talk. Let’s see if it’s right for you, because it isn’t right for everyone.

Make a no obligation appointment today.

Send an email to and put “Schedule a call” in the subject line. We’ll get it on the calendar so you can find out more about it.

“My life is so different, and so much better, since I started working with you.”

“When I look back at who I was less than a year ago and who I am today I’m shocked by the difference. It kind of crept up on me and I didn’t realize it was happening. You had told me that would happen, that I’d be “transformed” was the word you used, and I couldn’t imagine what that would be like. Or that it was true. Would I wake up one day and suddenly be a different person? Would I like being this different person? Would it be scary because I wouldn’t know who I was anymore? Or would it be exciting because I wasn’t happy with what my life was like and desperately wanted my life and myself to be really different. It was frustrating at first to find that my “Higher Self” didn’t want to work on what I thought were my most important problems. And that it said I had to wait eight weeks, once nearly four months, between appointments while my body “recalibrated.” I wanted everything to be fixed immediately or at least in two or three months!” “Each time we got together and you asked me what or how things had changed, I never thought much of anything had changed. And then you’d ask what about this or how was that doing now, and I didn’t even remember it had ever been a problem! When you pointed it out I was so surprised that not only had I forgotten how I used to be, but that I never even noticed I was changing. It felt weird that it was so under the radar and happened so quickly but subtly and I hadn’t even noticed!” “I actually like myself now and am happy with how my life is going. When we started out I felt so hopeless, so sad, so let down by life, so discouraged and unhappy. I couldn’t remember ever being happy and couldn’t believe I ever would or could be happy. Now my life is pretty good and I know it’s going to get even better. Finding you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I remember reading a quote from one of your clients that said something like, “You gave me the ability to have a life.” I’ve always remembered that, I think that’s what made me decide to work with you.” “If you’re reading this and are unhappy with your life, if you feel stuck in a life you don’t want and didn’t sign up for, give this woman a chance to give you the ability to have a happy life, too.”

Neil M.

Thank you Neil

It’s letters like this that make me feel so grateful to have found out about energy work and to be able to make such a positive and profound difference in the lives of my clients. And in my own life. I got into it in the first place because I was stuck in a life that was full of misery and unhappiness. Never in a million years did I ever think I’d end up having a business that frees others who are stuck in a life or a situation they want to change for the better, too.

When you’ve personally experienced being “stuck in a life you don’t want and didn’t sign up for” as Neil says, being able to help others turn their lives around is even more rewarding when you’ve walked in the same shoes and down a similar path yourself.

I’d like to make it possible for you to be who you’d really like to be, do the things you’ve only ever dreamed of doing, and experiencing a life you’ve always longed for. A lot of the time this involves financial security through building a successful business, but you may have other priorities that are more meaningful to you.

Whatever your personal hopes, dreams or priorities are, if you’d like to see if you might benefit from working together, email me at and put “Schedule a call” in the subject line so we can talk about it. No obligation, no expectations, just a conversation. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.